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Natural park of wild herbs
private park



parco privato in Bellinzago Novarese - Italia

The natural park is located in a village in the countryside of Novara, the nearest main city. Over a little ground surface we try to preserve the natural composition of grass variety, without use pesticides, chemicals or techniques for changing the soil structure.
The simple idea was to position in this area plants and some trees typical of this part of the region, and preserve the natural variety of grass and herbs tipical of a siliceous mild acid soil, between so diffused monocultural field and masterhouse grass fields, "english tipe".
In origin, starting 1979, all was simple flat field, without trees, bush and shadow. About 10 years of horses elevage, divided in two parts the area, one cultivated with plantation of different vegetal species, and one remaining with only grass.

The second part of this simple idea is to offer the opportunity of visit and found in a single place well located, the observation of different herbs you can find maybe turning around miles, but with three connected items here in files:
- an information of year moment of vegetation - flowering, seeds.... for a tipic year blossom
- a list of all identified qualities ( at the moment ), divided in natural, cultivated, annualis, perennis .....
- a list of books, >90% in italian, related to herbs, vegetal feeding, different uses and so - about 150 titles
An opportunity of visit, free of costs, for every student or amateur want to, is one of the aim of real site; of course the entire operation is not organized  for have money!

The little park is located at 4 km from the big Ticino park, one of the biggest river natural park in Italy, fullfilled of wooden species, with a pine wood, one of the lower inside the plane at south of Alps.
Inside of the Ticino river park area are possible wery long journey observing umid area vegetal species, birds, threes, mushrooms, little mammalians; woods and river sides can be easily crossed by feet, by bicycles and is possible to descend directly the river on canoe.
Bellinzago Novarese.

Also easily are available for a visit,  at 4 km in the opposite direction, the little WWF oasis dedicated to pelobate fosco and the monastic complex of Badia di Dulzago, with the origin near to the XI century; detailed informations can be found in the links herefixed.

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